All Classes and Interfaces

Define um CEP
This class provides a utility method to fetch and fill address details based on a given CEP (Postal Code in Brazil).
This class provides a utility method to clean the text fields in a given set of containers.
This class is responsible for creating and managing the database connection.
This class provides utility methods for validating CPF and CNPJ numbers.
This class represents a Customer in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Customers in the application.
This class represents an Employee in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Employees in the application.
This class is responsible for encrypting passwords.
This class represents an ItemSale in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the ItemSale in the application.
This class represents a Pet in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Pets in the application.
This class represents a Product in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Products in the application.
This class represents a Sale in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Sales in the application.
This class represents a Schedule in the application.
This class represents a Service in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Services in the application.
This class represents a Supplier in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Suppliers in the application.
This class is used to test the database connection.
This class represents a Vaccine in the application.
This class is responsible for managing the data access for the Vaccines in the application.
Classe java para obter um CEP no ViaCEP
Serve como base para a classe ViaCEP
Interface para os eventos
Classe para registrar uma exceção de CEP