Class CEPUtils


public class CEPUtils extends Object
This class provides a utility method to fetch and fill address details based on a given CEP (Postal Code in Brazil). It uses the ViaCEP service to fetch the address details.
  • Constructor Details

    • CEPUtils

      public CEPUtils()
  • Method Details

    • buscarCEP

      public static void buscarCEP(JTextField cepField, JTextField addressField, JTextField districtField, JTextField cityField, JComboBox ufField)
      This method fetches the address details for a given CEP and fills the details in the provided fields.
      cepField - The text field containing the CEP.
      addressField - The text field to be filled with the fetched address.
      districtField - The text field to be filled with the fetched district.
      cityField - The text field to be filled with the fetched city.
      ufField - The combo box to be filled with the fetched state.